It can only benefit all of us to have it come together. "Storage, compute and virtualization was all its own thing. "One of the complaints I have always had was that hardware vendors, VMware and service platform vendors were all silos," Knapp said.
Having all the necessary ingredients for a full deployment in a single vendor means VDI is poised to finally realize its full potential, he said. Todd Knapp, CEO of Envision Technology Advisors, a Pawtucket, R.I.-based solution provider that works with Dell EMC, and VMware said his company is already in talks with several customers about VDI Complete. "The channel completely participates in all opportunities." "The channel can have entirely new conversations with customers who may have wanted this technology but have held off in the past," he said. It prevents other partners from coming in and selling individual pieces, and you can do it at a customer location or at your own location," McNaught said. "The VDI Complete partner sells hyper-converged appliances, VMware software, as well as thin clients and PCs. The cloud client division's new VDI Complete Solutions are designed to make app virtualization easier, and more predictable and to give the channel new opportunities in the virtualized desktop space, said division vice president Jeff McNaught. Dell EMC's Cloud Client Computing division is forging a tighter bond with VMware and putting significant marketing muscle behind an effort to get partners to sell across the IT conglomerate's entire portfolio.